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1000  DIM A$[255]
1010  REM: ***** Slots
1015  GOSUB 8000
1020  A=100
1030  A$="CDC    IBM    DEC    HP     ALTAIR "
1040  DEF FNA(X)=INT(INT(LEN(A$)/7)*RND(0))+1
1050  PRINT LIN(1);"You have $"A;LIN(1);"What is your wager";
1060  INPUT W
1065  IF W<0 THEN 130
1070  IF W<.01 OR W>A THEN 1280
1080  X=FNA(0)
1090  Y=FNA(0)
1100  Z=FNA(0)
1110  IF INT(10*RND(0)) THEN 1130
1120  Y=Z=X
1130  PRINT  USING 1140;A$[7*X-6,7*X],A$[7*Y-6,7*Y],A$[7*Z-6,7*Z]
1140  IMAGE #,7A,2X7A2X,7A5X
1150  GOTO (X=Y AND Y=Z)*2 MAX (X=Y OR Y=Z OR X=Z) OF 1210,1190
1160  PRINT "A Loser"
1170  A=A-W
1180  GOTO 1210
1190  PRINT "A Winner"'7'7"!"'7'7"!"
1200  A=A+W*(INT(LEN(A$)/7+1)-X+1+5*(X=1))
1210  GOSUB 100
1215  IF A>.1 THEN 1050
1220  PRINT '13'10;
1230  PRINT "Hey, you're broke!"'7'7'7"!"'7'7'7"!!"
1240  PRINT "I hope you have better luck at the real thing."
1250  GOTO 130
1260  IF W<.01 OR W>A THEN 1280
1270  GOTO 1080
1280  PRINT "Your wager must be between one cent ($.01) and $";A
1290  GOTO 1050
1300  END 
8000  REM *** This section was written by Lane Rollins.
8010  DIM Z1$[10]
8020  PRINT "Instructions: ";
8030  LINPUT Z1$
8040  IF Z1$[1,1]="N" THEN 8190
8050  PRINT ""
8060  PRINT "    This program is a simulation of a slot machine.  The computer"
8070  PRINT "will randomly select the objects which will be displayed to you."
8080  PRINT "To win you must have three of a kind.  You must have two of  a kind"
8090  PRINT "to break even.  If none are alike, then you lose your bet.  When"
8100  PRINT "you win, the better the combination of objects, the more your winnings"
8110  PRINT "are multiplied.  The objects are listed below in decending order:"
8120  PRINT ""
8130  PRINT "    CDC"
8140  PRINT "    IBM"
8150  PRINT "    DEC"
8160  PRINT "    HP"
8170  PRINT "    ALTAIR"
8180  PRINT ""
8185  PRINT "A wager of -1 will end the game."
8190  RETURN 
8200  END