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100  DIM A$[255],Q$[255],A0$[255],Q[15],I$[10]
120  PRINT '7
130  ENTER 2,A9,A$
140  IF A$='2'14 THEN 880
150  PRINT "    In this program, you will learn many of the punctuation rules"
160  PRINT "of English.  There will be five levels of complexity, each level "
170  PRINT "covering a set of punctuation rules."'10'13
180  PRINT "First, the computer will print out the rule.  Then, the computer"
190  PRINT "will print out a sentence for you to type correctly using that rule."
200  PRINT "You will then retype the sentence correctly."
210  FOR X=1 TO 5
220  Z=REC(1)
230  IF  END #1 THEN 710
240  Q1=Q=T=R9=R8=0
250  MAT Q=ZER
260  PRINT LIN(-5)"Level ";X;"Description:"'10
270  READ #1;A$
280  IF R8 THEN 300
290  PRINT A$;
300  IF A$[LEN(A$)]#'27 THEN 270
310  Q=Q+1
320  IF  NOT (Q1 OR R9) AND X=5 THEN 950
330  IF Q[Q] THEN 380
340  READ #1;A$
350  IF A$[1,1]='27 THEN 420
360  PRINT '13'10'10"RULE:"
370  GOTO 390
380  READ #1;A$
390  IF Q[Q] THEN 410
400  PRINT A$
410  IF LEN(A$)=0 THEN 380
420  IF A$[LEN(A$)]#'27 THEN 380
430  IF Q[Q] THEN 450
450  READ #1;Q$,A$
460  IF Q[Q] THEN 660
470  PRINT Q$'13'10"--"'13" > ";
480  Q$=A$
490  LINPUT A0$
500  A0$=UPS$(A0$)
510  A$=UPS$(A$)
520  FOR I=LEN(A0$) TO 1 STEP -1
530  IF A0$[I,I]#" " THEN 550
540  A0$[I]=A0$[I+1]
550  NEXT I
560  FOR I=LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP -1
570  IF A$[I,I]#" " THEN 590
580  A$[I]=A$[I+1]
590  NEXT I
600  IF A0$=A$ THEN 630
610  PRINT "Wrong.  It should be:"'13'10;Q$;'13'10
620  GOTO 660
630  PRINT "Right."
640  T=T+1
650  Q[Q]=1
660  READ #1;A$
670  IF Q[Q] THEN 690
680  PRINT A$;
690  IF A$[LEN(A$)]#'27 THEN 660
700  GOTO 310
710  Q=Q-1
720  PRINT LIN(2)"You got"INT((T/Q)*100+.5);"% right on level";X
730  Q1=1
740  FOR Y=1 TO Q
750  IF  NOT Q[Y] THEN 840
760  NEXT Y
770  READ #1,REC(1)+1
780  NEXT X
790  PRINT LIN(-5)"You have finished this program with flying colors!"
800  PRINT "(Of course, you'd have to to get this far)."
810  PRINT '13'10"This program was written for the Tech Show 1978"
820  PRINT "By Douglas Lee, Bill McFadden, and Lane Rollins."
830  STOP 
840  PRINT "Lets review the sentences you missed on level";X
850  Q=0
855  R8=1
860  READ #1,Z
870  GOTO 270
880  I$="0105141924"
900  INPUT X
910  IF X<1 OR X>5 THEN 890
920  CONVERT I$[X*2-1,X*2] TO Z
930  READ #1,Z
940  GOTO 230
950  PRINT LIN(2)
960  R9=1
970  READ #1;A$
980  IF A$[LEN(A$)]='27 THEN 430
990  PRINT A$
1000  GOTO 970
1010  END