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Click on the Playable music links in the table to hear renditions of our music...
The following, although copyright is all free, just ask if you want sheet music, or feel free to take it if its on this webpage, feel free to create derivative works record performances etc, as long as any derivative work or recording includes this notice, and has no additional restrictions.
Who Wrote itTitlePlayable music .mid or .wmaSheet Music .jpg if available, ask if you want it and its not here
Timothy D. Corrie Jr.
last updated 01/02/2007
"Sleep Valla Sleep", Valkyrie the Romanian Cello, sings a lullaby to Valla the German Violin. "Sleep Valla Sleep" Real Cello part (just the melody line) played by Tim Corrie Jr.
"Sleep Valla Sleep" Midi duet
Cello I   Cello II
Timothy D. Corrie Jr.
last updated 3/11/2008
"Bertrand the Sailor", Inspired I think, by too much Berlioz and Vivaldi. "Bertrand the Sailor."

On 7/28/2007, and 3/11/2008 I changed several parts, I'm only keeping the orchestra version up to date.
Please email me if you use this so I can let you know when I change stuff! warning all of these are out of date as of 3/12/2008
Timothy D. Corrie Jr.
last updated 3/11/2008
"Bertrand the Sailor", Second Largo Movement. "Bertrand the Sailor."

Please email me if you use this so I can let you know when I change stuff! 
Timothy D. Corrie Jr.
last updated 11/02/2006
"Starburst", apparently for 2 viola's (Key of C, C being the middle line on the viola clef, etc. etc.). "Symmetric n-cube." 2 measures, slight change 4, flips, rotates and more now 2 parts 16 measures each, playable from only 16 measures viewed from top and bottom, later added central trio section, also symmetric in much the same way, now 24 measures(x2). "Symmetric n-cube."
"Starburst (symmetric n-cube)" midi version
Viola Part I, and II Page 1
Timothy D. Corrie Jr.
last updated 05/18/2004
Stormy Sea Birds, Viola with string quartet, Inspired from Rich Pope's Viola. Written for Myrl, her Viola and her string Quartet. Eventually will have real string parts. "Stormy Sea Birds" Cheesy string simulation of a quartet. last updated 11/16/2003
"Stormy Sea Birds" Real Viola part only, played againby Tim Corrie Jr, will rerecord it later probably many times. last updated 12/01/2003
"Stormy Sea Birds" Real Viola part only, badly played by Tim Corrie Jr, will rerecord it later probably many times. last updated 11/16/2003
Violin I Part Unavailable Page 1 Unavailable Page 2
Violin II Part Unavailable Page 1 Unavailable Page 2
Viola Part Page 1 Page 2
Cello Part Page 1 Page 2
Timothy D. Corrie Jr.
last updated 03/12/2004
"Falling Leaves" Simulated Piano piece. Inspired by 1961 Knight upright Piano. "Falling Leaves" Simulated Piano piece. last updated 04/02/2007 Piano Part Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

The Kids new music, composed Nov. 2006

Bruce Corrie "Kittyween, a cat/halloween song.(Handwritten). "Kittyween" last updated 11/02/2006
Timothy D. Corrie III "Rock Christmas," what happens to Santa at the end kids? "Rock Christmas" last updated 11/04/2006
Timothy and Bruce are 8 and 6 1/2 as of Nov 2003.
Who Wrote itTitlePlayable music .mid or .wmaSheet Music .jpg if available, ask if you want it and its not here
Timothy D. Corrie III.
last updated 11/18/2003
"D Position" Timothy's second practise songlet (Handwritten). "D Position" last updated 11/18/2003
Timothy D. Corrie III."Timothy" Timothy just messing around. "Timothy" last updated 11/16/2003
Timothy D. Corrie III."TwoKey (unfinished)" Timothy III's music experiments. "TwoKey (unfinished)" last updated 11/16/2003
Timothy D. Corrie III."Timothy's first song" Timothy's first practise songlet (Handwritten). "Timothy's first song" Timothy's first practise songlet (Handwritten). last updated 11/18/2003
Bruce Corrie "Ocean Waves" Bruce (Handwritten). "Ocean Waves" last updated 11/18/2003
Bruce Corrie "Silly man" Bruce's first song. (Handwritten). "Silly man" last updated 11/18/2003
Bruce Corrie"A Thousand Marching Mice" "A Thousand Marching Mice" last updated 10/28/2004
Sonorous Eastside Chamber orchestra, of which I'm a member.
The Venter families music.
Serendipity Strings, Another Colleagues, String Quartet in the Seattle area.
Microsoft Orchestra link
Sammamish Symphony Orchestra link