• 1. Load Centrifuge with water.
  • 2. Run Centrifuge at about 11.18C (the densest D2O point)
  • 3. Drop temperature to 0.5C, or the temp at which water won't freeze, but heavy water will, and allow the centrifuge to spin down
  • 4. Pour off H2O
  • 5. Thaw D2O and collect.
  • Expanded idea 1

  • 0. Find a fresh water stream, and an average temperature of about 0C (between 11.18C and 0.5C) A mountain stream?
  • 1. Load Centrifuge with water.
  • 2. Run Centrifuge for a time as Close to OC as possible but slightly above.
  • 2.1. Centrifuge could be run off of a clutch/gear from a turbine in the same stream as the water is collected from.
  • 3. allow the centrifuge to spin down, and allow the D2O to freeze at the bottom.
  • 4. Pour off H2O
  • 4.1. It should be possible to reload the centrifuge with fresh water after the D2O has had a chance to freeze, then go back to step 2.
  • 4.2. once enough D2O had collected at the bottom of the tank and froze, stop the loop
  • 5. Thaw D2O and collect.

    Expanded idea 2

  • 0. Find a fresh water stream, and an average temperature of about 0C (between 11.18C and 0.5C) A mountain stream?
  • 1. Spin up the Centrifuge, and start waterstream, letting the buckets catch the water.
  • 2. Continue to run centrifuge until the weight of the water left in the buckets shows the buckets are mostly D2O
  • 3. Let the centrifuge spin down.
  • 4. Collect the mostly pure D2O from the centrifuge and start over at 1.
  • 5. Freeze the mostly pure D2O at or near 0.5C (just above the waters freezing point.)
  • 6. Pour off the water.
  • 7. Thaw D2O.